Author Archives: Steffen

About Steffen

Born in 1980 in good old Magdeburg in the GDR (German Democratic Republic). Stayed there for a while, than went to Cuba for a few months. Afterwards finished my studies of business and computer science and started to work in a big consultant enterprise. Quit this job for obvious reasons. Due to the lack of goodwill at the ZVS I started to work as a freelancer in the sector of SAP consulting in Cologne. Planned to do this only for a few months, now nearly passed by two years. Well, time to move on...


Herzlich Willkommen auf meiner Internetseite. Hier finden Sie sowohl den Kuba-Blog aus dem Jahr 2006 als auch den Blog zur großen Reise, die voraussichtlich Mitte August 2011 starten wird. Viel Spass beim Lesen wünscht, Steffen Für eine größere Ansicht der … Continue reading

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